How It Works

It’s easy to participate:

Click on the “sign up” tab on the homepage. Fill out the brief registration form (don’t worry, only your first name and initial of your last name will be displayed publicly; the rest of the information is private and will not be shared outside this forum). Once you’ve registered, you will be granted full access to the site.

You can:

  1. Post your own idea by clicking on the “create idea” button and writing your answer to our question. Give your idea a headline and add some tags (tags are keywords that will help other site visitors find your idea more easily, such as “classrooms,” “elementary,” “high school,” “testing” and/or other keywords that describe your idea).
  2. Comment on someone else’s idea.
  3. Vote an idea up or down.
  4. Follow an idea. We highly recommend that you click the “follow this idea” button on your own idea and any other ideas that intrigue you. This will ensure you are notified by email each time someone comments on that idea so you can stay in the conversation.

What we are asking is simple:

Think about the question. Read ideas by other Members. Add your own comments and ideas. Base them on your own experience!
