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Forum Question

Based on your experience with BPS, and especially this past year, we are looking for your ideas for reimagining what school could be. If there were no bounds, what would the ideal learning experience be like for our students?


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March 2nd, 2021


Schools could be places where students are actually held accountable for demonstrating mastery of content as opposed to being passed through the system with "deals" at the end of the year.

We harm our students by passing them when they are not ready. Repeating a course is not a punishment. It is a service. Too many of our students are going to find themselves in college, realize they are unprepared, and drop out with nothing to show for it other than massive debt.

Tags: Classroom

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March 1st, 2021

Redefining attendance requirements

Since the pandemic started we have changed our definition of attendance many times. At various points in the last year, students have received credit for attending classes if they: did school work at any point during the 24 day, tried to log into class but had tech issues, joined class via zoom, joined class in person, joined class but then left and did work on their own, if their parent communicated that the student couldn't attend, etc. Not to mention that Wednesdays this year look very different with many schools not running the same schedule those days.

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March 1st, 2021


Repaired, renovated, and modernized facilities, with a long-term plan for regular maintenance and updates, would have the biggest impact on the learning conditions for students. Adequate heat, air-conditioning and ventilation including windows that open with shades that work. Equitable technology in every classroom, for example, Airtame screens mounted on the wall. Sinks in every classroom and well-maintained student bathrooms on every floor. Gymnasiums, libraries, art rooms, and science labs.
Some of these are more challenging and costly than others (I really don't understand why it is so hard to replace window shades, for example), but BPS and the…

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March 1st, 2021

Truly embrace project-based learning

We know that truly engaging in PBL could push us to reimagine the siloing of content and the antiquated worksheet culture students too often encounter throughout the day. I would like to help launch a deeper transformative initiative, one that does more than provide lip service to the pedagogical ideals underlying PBL.

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February 25th, 2021

Equity Roundtables

Equity Roundtables are truly a hidden gem and resource at the Joseph Tynan Elementary School. Initially, I was extremely frustrated with the ask of holding Equity Roundtables during the closure of BPS in March 2020. At the Tynan we were trying to adjust to our new normal of remote learning while balancing life in the pandemic. In many ways I felt the ask was too much. However, I was compliant and sent out a communication to the entire Tynan Community - families, partners, and staff, for our first Equity Roundtable meeting. The outcome was so much more than I had…

Tags: Community

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