April 3rd, 2021

Technology/ Arts/ SEL

Students and teachers need access to good technology, arts and SEL embedded into the curriculum.
Every teacher needs a smart board, good speaker system and a laptop minimum. Paras included.
Every teacher should have access to improve their arts integration techniques into the curriculum.
Teachers/students need to be given a map of the human brain and typical developmental.
Most of the choices students make are developmentally appropriate but our discipline system is set up to punish kids who take age appropriate emotional risks without a chance to reflect on the other options they have in the situation.
I have started every classes with a daily positive affirmation. We start our class with a discussion of our interpretation of it and connect it to content/skills we are learning that day. Imagine if students had this a part of their curriculum?
Lastly, feels like sometimes teachers have to teach from a script and it is causing our kids anxiety because they’re learning that they must measure their intelligence to the script. I propose we find a way to hold the school system accountable but not at the expense of students’ ability to take learning risks.

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