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Forum Question

Based on your experience with BPS, and especially this past year, we are looking for your ideas for reimagining what school could be. If there were no bounds, what would the ideal learning experience be like for our students?


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March 29th, 2021

Technology Integration: Blended Learning AND Keep Funding Tech!!!

My ideas are twofold, but both based around technology.

1. All classrooms should be given TVs and AirTames so that information can be clearly presented without all kinds of wires around the room. Our presentation technology is SO behind other urban school districts that I have worked in and our students simply deserve better.

2. Please take this opportunity to require teachers to use technology on a regular basis. Computers should be part of everyday instruction and data collection. One of the paraprofessionals at our school, who is a BPS graduate, said…

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March 25th, 2021

Simplify Elementary Report Cards

We should just be giving simple grades. What parent wants to read a 40 item report card? Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Phys Ed, etc. Conduct, Effort. Boom. Done. Then improve the comment area so that we can more skillfully thread together actual narrative comments to help families understand what we are seeing in school

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March 24th, 2021

Keep and Toss

Throughout this school year and the end of last, we have learned so much about how to better leverage technology in the classrooms and at home! We are able to reach more families/guardians to get feedback, make connections, and provide more opportunities to have an active role in teacher/parent/guardian/school communication and involvement. It would be a great benefit to continue and increase funding to keep these tools viable. As one example (of many), I have had a much higher turn out for my virtual open houses than my in person open houses. Because I am able to offer a Zoom…

Tags: Classroom, Community, Online learning

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March 24th, 2021

We missed some big opportunities for restructuring this year

Age-group teaching would be reconfigured into "developmental band" teaching - Some students are ready for skills earlier/later than others and I certainly don't work with adults that were only born in the same year as I was. Let kids who are chomping at the bit move forward, and let kids who need more time take it, and use special education and language learning levels continue for students who need them. Make bands that make sense (3-5, 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, etc.) and then teach content curriculum (science, social studies) on a 2-3 year cycle and teach skills (math, reading, writing) in…

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March 24th, 2021

Opportunities and Access

I feel that in times such as these, where its so easy to feel emotionally disconnected in a vastly connected world, it is more important that ever to allow for perspective and choice, especially in the classroom. Since day one, I made it a mission to understand what made students go, and who they were as individuals. It has been a long and difficult journey, one that included lots of silent Zoom rooms, names on a black background, and very little personal interaction. Nevertheless, I kept on with asking students what they needed and how I could help them achieve…

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